Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Activity 3

-In Picture one the elements of design that it has is color and shape and the principal of design is that it has a lot of variety. There is a lot of different colors put into the picture as well as the different shapes and a variety of different ways the artist use the colors and shapes to make the painting.

-In Picture two shows the elements of line and form and the principal design of harmony and rhythm because the picture is made up of lines only that they are formed in different ways and going different directions

- In Picture Three it shows the elements of line, shape, and color because the painting has a variety of different shapes and lines used to make the face of the painting the principal design that the picture shows is contrast because the picture was made with a dark background and the main part was used with bright colors so it brings out the painting more.

-In Picture 4 the elements of design are line, shape, and color the pictures shows lines used in different forms as well as the shapes and an amount of 3/4 different colors. some of the principal of designs are balance because in the picture it shows symmetry another principal design is contrast, rhythm and pattern. because the picture has light up against on dark and the elements vary in direction.

-In Picture 5 the elements of design are line, shape, texture, and space the picture shows a variety of different lines making up the shape and each square shape has spaces in between one another. some of the principal of designs are contrast and harmony because the elements are similar in the size of there shape and there shade

- In Picture 6 the elements of design it has is space which is between the man and the item he is holding and the principal designs that the picture has is contrast and emphasis which is focused more on the man and what he's looking at.

-Absract Expressionism is A painting style in which the process is largely uncontrolled, accidental, sometimes unthinking, automatic and direct. The painting becomes a record of the artist's intense experience with paint and color
-Cubism is an artistic movement that has surfaces of geometrical planes

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