Wednesday, November 24, 2010

1st test page

test page

Melissa Soto

This is my first page I'm a web designer

My favorite class is Web Design because I get to learn new things about computers that I never knew of before and I get to do very interesting projects which helps me learn more about the computer and what you can do on it.

About Me page !

Activity 15b

Melissa Soto

My names Melissa Soto I'm 16 years old and I'm a junior at Brooklyn Studio high school. I decided to make my website about Costa Rica Which is where all my family is from. I wanted to do this to show people how nice and amazing this experience of being there can be. Whether it's with family or just friends. I love it when I go which is why I want to try and persuade people to go take a nice vacation where they can relax and see and do many different things. It will be an experience everyone will love and will never forget. My goal is to have people visit my website and after reading everything and seeing how wonderful it can be that they get the urge of wanting to go.

My First Webpage

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Activity 13

1. What is navigation?
- A navigation page is a type of page that can be added to other pages to provide a consistent set of navigational elements. A typical navigation page might contain a logo, the page title, a login link, and a link to the home page.

2. How are you going to design the navigation for your site i.e., buttons, frames, hyperlinks or nav bar?
for my website the way I want to design my navigation is maybe by having a page that stays Costa Rica and with four pictures of the different volcanoes of costa rica when people go and click one of the pictures different information or galleries will come up for people to continue looking and reading my page there will be a home page that brings you back to the beginning or maybe a way for people to ask questions about Costa Rica

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Activity 14

hierarchical-classified according to various criteria into successive levels or layers.
bread crumb trail-a way to keep track of locations within programs or documents
navigation bar-a sub region of a web page that contains hypertext links in order to navigate between the pages of a website.
site map-is a list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users
hyperlinks- is a reference to a document that the reader can directly follow automatically
buttons- a device that when pressed will release part of a mechanism
consistency- harmony and uniformity
clarity-easy way to understand
linear-along the related line
web-is a computer programming system
in/out-Whether the connection is from the computer or from another computer to the local computer
simultaneous access- single Sony IP camera can serve up to 10 or more simultaneous clients
mixed-is a hypothetical computer
frame-an application that divides the user's display into two or more windows that can be scrolled independently

Activity 12

To achieve in having Harmony and Unity in your design you must have consistency and repetition.
you could have similar fonts and colors and pictures which match your topic as well.
In order to achieve Simplicity in your website you need to have a several amount of text and pictures in order to grab attention of the people or get your point across.
If you want to achieve in having Consistency in your design you must make it easier for people to navigate your page if not they will have a hard time trying to figure out how to work things or you can put similar things together in one spot so it can make the page or your design feel more consistent.
To have Clarity in your page you have to make what your saying as simple as possible for people to understand, you can use pictures to make things more helpful to people and you can speak in simple proper language.

Activity 11

1. What is the Principle of Design and Element of Art used in your design?
-the principle of design in my design for my webpage would be harmony because the elements in my picture are all the similar size and shape they are also arranged in a similar format as well.
some of the elements of art my design has is Line, Shape, Color, and form.

2. What color scheme did you choose?

3. What is the color of the background, font and pictures?
- the background of my picture is a grayish blueish color mixed in together.

Friday, November 5, 2010


These are the few collages I put together on the different things Costa Rica has to offer !